Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More Wacky English Translations

One of the most entertaining parts of the trip was simply reading the descriptions of the products on the nightstand in our hotel room. Not to be negative, but when products claim to prevent sexual diseases that clearly don't have the capability to do so, you have to wonder how large of a role a lack of education plays in China's AIDS problem.

Look at the subtle differences in the men's and women's versions. The women's version is also suited for the home, while the men's isn't.

I like that these are called "nabs". They don't say much for Chinese men when the man on the carton is advertising it by placing it on his finger:

Hmm, I wonder what will happen to a towel when it gets wet.

I don't think I normally have dirt and grease in my mouth.

Do men need "vagina care"?

And my favorite of them all; this one is unbelievable (both the front and especially the back):


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