Monday, November 27, 2006

100(ish) Things

I'm stealing this idea from of a few of the other blogs I read. The list was supposed to be 100 things about myself, but I have a few more than 100.

1. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, but I'm enjoying the ride.
2. I'd be enjoying it more if I didn't have a heap of college debt to worry about.
3. My favorite color is blue.
4. I've been to 17 different countries and 34 of the states in the US.
5. If I think a movie has a stupid name, I refuse to watch it, regardless of how good it otherwise looks.
6. I hate talking on the phone, which makes it hard to keep in touch with people.
7. I don't want to be an "easy detacher", but I think I am at times.
8. My grandmother taught me all I needed to know about lesbians when I was in middle school.
9. The same grandmother has pinched the butt of my best friend from high school.
10. I think Chicago is the best city in America, followed by San Francisco and Boston.
11. The longest I've ever gone without showering is a week; I was pretty busy and didn't think it was necessary since it was winter.
12. I now shower every day, given the chance.
13. My favorite city in the world is Krakow, Poland; my favorite country is Croatia.
14. I have two fully webbed toes, and two more that are half-webbed.
15. This does not enable me to swim better. I can't swim.
16. My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.
17. I hope to read through the list of the 100 best English-language novels of the twentieth century before I die, but I'm becoming increasingly distracted my more modern, more humorous offerings.
18. I did too much in high school.
19. I don't think golf is a sport.
20. I have a fear of heights, unless I'm securely fastened to something.
21. Large bodies of water also give me the willies.
22. Texture largely determines whether I like a food or not.
23. I don't like peeing in public places, but I don't mind being nude.
24. I don't think I'll ever save a lot of money, because I enjoy spending it traveling as soon as I get it.
25. I like to get presents, but I enjoy giving them even more, especially if I can see the recipient's reaction.
26. I would be happy learning a new language every couple of years for the rest of my life.
27. Currently, I can speak at least moderately well English, German, Spanish, and Chinese.
28. I played the trombone in middle and high school, but I always wanted to play the bass or piano more.
29. I really like going to clubs and dancing, though I often have trouble convincing my friends to do the same.
30. I've never successfully completed a turn while skiing in my life.
31. I'd be happy playing tennis everyday for the rest of my life.
32. I don't want to turn into a person whose only entertainment and joy in life derives from the television, but if the reality TV craze continues, it may happen.
33. I've been really skinny for most of my life, and one of my biggest fears is getting fat.
34. I also fear being old and alone.
35. I didn't drink more than a couple of sips of alcohol until I was 21. Germany changed that.
36. The next place I want to go is South America.
37. I've never really desired to go to Africa or Australia.
38. I hate the television show "Friends".
39. I still bite my nails, but no longer to the point that they become painful.
40. My brain is highly mathematically oriented. I always try to find patterns in things.
41. Whenever I ride as a passenger in a car on the highway, I am unable to keep from staring at the dotted lines as they pass by and trying to coordinate them with whatever music is playing.
42. I used to iron my socks.
43. Things like this make me wonder if I have a small case of OCD. My brother would probably agree.
44. My brother and I didn't get along until I moved away for college, but I think we're pretty good friends now.
45. I really don't enjoy watching people jam or practice on a guitar; my brother learned guitar when we were growing up.
46. I'm afraid that America is trapped in a spiral of suckiness leading only downwards.
47. When people misuse simple words like "you're", "your", "they're", "there", and "their", I can't help but disregard and ignore whatever opinion they have.
48. I hope I never live in the suburbs.
49. My kids will attend public schools.
50. Whenever I got my hands on the Guinness Book of World Records as a kid, I would turn immediately to the picture of the man from India with the longest fingernails in the world.
51. Crunchy peanut butter is much better than its smooth counterpart.
52. I used to fear public speaking, but my experience this year has converted that into mild indifference.
53. If I had to give up any sense, smell would be the first to go.
54. If I care about something, I am incapable of giving less than my best, much to my dismay.
55. Whenever I feel that I'm getting too involved in an activity and fear that my responsibility may be increased, I have a tendency to promptly check myself out of said activity.
56. Although I hate most popular music, Madonna and Britney Spears have somehow managed to infiltrate my otherwise impenetrable shield against it.
57. I hate to shave.
58. I hate getting ready for bed (brushing teeth, taking out contacts, washing face). When I'm ready to go to sleep, I don't want anything to get in my way.
59. If I start watching a movie after 9pm, my chances of finishing it before I fall asleep are no better than one in ten.
60. If I really like a certain food, I will eat it incessantly until I can practically never eat it again (cheerios, reeces pieces, fresh mozzarella).
61. I don't want to make money my object, but I also realize that it makes it a lot easier to do the things I want to do.
62. I am really impatient.
63. I can't stand people who think they're better than someone else because they're richer, more educated, or more "cultured".
64. I always use the Oxford comma.
65. I own more pairs of shoes than most girls, though I have only a few pairs with me at the moment.
66. My favorite number is 4, though this is the most unlucky number in China, as it has the same sound as the word for "death".
67. I don't say much until I'm ready to say it.
68. Accordingly, people may initially find me shy or boring.
69. I used to have really low self esteem, though that has improved somewhat in the last couple of years. Learning a new language and embarrassing yourself will do wonders.
70. My favorite kind of food hails from Italy.
71. I once ate pizza for 10 straight meals this summer.
72. I cope with extreme sadness by laughing, then crying.
73. Many people probably thought I was conceited in high school. I like to say I was just a teenager.
74. I once had the nickname "buns".
75. Some people think my butt is no bigger than average size, though.
76. I have had more nicknames than most people I know. Neallyweally, neallyworm, neallymouse, niels bohr, palm pilot, armstrong, wheels, and squeals are some of them, among many others.
77. I am more ticklish than any other person I know.
78. I make a really weird sound when someone tickles me.
79. I have always wanted a pair of moccasin house slippers.
80. My clothing size has only decreased since middle school.
81. I love almost all modern art more than anything Monet ever put his hands on.
82. I have eaten plentiful amounts of cow stomach in the past three months.
83. My least favorite holiday is July 4, even with the fireworks.
84. I love road trips, whatever the destination.
85. I can't pass up buying a used book if I have even the lightest desire to read it.
86. My room at home is too green.
87. I have been keeping a list of potential baby names since I was 14.
88. I can't wait to have my own house to decorate.
89. Craftsmen and bungalow styles are my favorite.
90. My favorite drink is a White Russian; my favorite beer is a Schneider Aventinus from Germany.
91. I wish I were more muscular, but that wish does not overcome my aversion to working out.
92. I miss my friends from college.
93. I also miss my family.
94. I don't miss America.
95. I have been to several NASCAR races; at the time I enjoyed them.
96. I've lost the majority of the elections I've entered in my life.
97. I still have hopes of becoming America's president.
98. But, I don't know if those hopes outweigh my fear of becoming a horrible person in the process.
99. Almost every time I am out walking during the night, a street lamp noticeably turns on or off.
100. Sometimes I convince myself that something within my body, like a gravitational field of sorts, causes this to happen.
101. I'm always compelled to make it to the highest point in the vicinity of wherever I am.
102. I prefer really soft beds to really hard ones.
103. My bed now is pretty hard.
104. I once worked at a radio station. I miss the music, but not the elitism.
105. I'm a Christian.
106. I think government and religion should be kept separate.
107. I'm bad at fake smiling.
108. People often think I'm lying because I usually laugh when people accuse me of doing so, even if I'm being perfectly honest.
109. I rarely lie.
110. The first thing I remember stealing was a multi-pack of Ninja Turtles tissues.
111. I also remember stealing one of every flavor of tic tacs. My parents probably thought I would be a lifelong klepto.
112. I think I have a memory from before I was able to walk.


Blogger barclay said...

i'm seriously considering coming to china in may. this seriously depends on your disponibility. please be disponible.

27 November, 2006 13:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish we could do the highland quad roommate challenge again. we would rock that crap now.

28 November, 2006 21:45  
Blogger barclay said...

well the earliest i could leave paris would be may 1st, but that would be dead earliest. are you on vacation at that point?? can i come even if its not before may 5th??

30 November, 2006 06:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

neaaaaaaaal i miss you!

03 December, 2006 19:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you make me laugh.

by the way, I share numbers 87 and 88 with you.

hast du diese jahre ein bisschen deutsch gesprochen? Kommst du fuer Weihnachts nach Amerika zuruck?
Ich habe kein Deutsch gesprochen, aber ich denke du kannst es sehen.

05 December, 2006 11:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You used to iron your socks? weird. When you get back to the states, we should go out and dance.

Oh, and I never thought you were conceited in high school. :0)

06 December, 2006 22:19  

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